During the tournament, one table will be designated as the "Head" table. The "Head" table controls the pace of the game, unless a change is deemed necessary due to time constraints. The game begins when the "Head" table starts to roll and the air horn is blown. One player from each table starts the game by trying to roll "ones" with the 3 dice. Always take your roll using 3 dice. If one of the dice shows the number currently "up", tally 1 point. If two of the dice show the number currently "up", tally 2 points. When one team at the "Head" table scores 21 points, or gets a BUNKO, the Scorekeeper rings the bell and the air horn will blow, which signals the end of the round for ALL tables. Play continues until every one at the table has had their turn. The team with the highest score at each table at that time wins the round. (Remember, all players continue to roll and score until the bell is rung, even if their team has already reached 21 points). Rolling three of a kind of the same number of the round you are in is a BUNKO. For example, rolling three "fours" in Round 4 or three "sixes" in Round 6 is a BUNKO. The player must call out " BUNKO " to receive 21 points for the temporary team score on the tally pad. IMPORTANT: Only the player who rolls the BUNKO gets one BUNKO point on her individual score sheet. Rolling three of a kind other than the number of the round you are in is worth 5 points for the temporary team score on the tally pad. For example, rolling three "sixes" in Round 4 is worth 5 points. A player continues rolling until no points are rolled. |
Round 1 (Each "one" rolled is worth 1 point)
The team Scorekeeper writes down 3 points on the team tally pad. |
If a Player rolls:
Remember: Only the player who rolls the BUNKO gets one BUNKO point on her score sheet. |
If a Player rolls:
When a team at the "Head" table reaches 21 points or rolls a BUNKO, they ring the bell to signal the end of the round and an air horn will sound. Each player marks a "W" (win) or "L" (loss) in the space provided for the first round on their individual score sheet. This is determined by the team with the highest score. In case of a tie, see ROLL-OFF section. The winning teams stays at Table 1. Have one teammate move over a chair so they will have different partners for the next round. The losing team from Table 1 goes down to Table 2. The winning team from Table 2 goes to the Table 1 and the winning team from Table 3 goes to Table 2. The losing team from Table 2 goes to Table 3 and the losing team from Table 3 stays at the table, but one player moves over one chair so they will have a different partner. The "Head" table will start of round 2 and an air horn will sound. Each player rolls for "twos" in the second round. Play continues for 3 complete sets (6 rounds per set). At this point, we will take a fortyfive minute refreshment break to allow set up for the semi-finals. The person from each group of twelve with the most wins and the person with the highest number of BUNKOs will advance to the semi-final round. |
In the event of a tie during play: One player from each team will roll one die simultaneously. The person who rolls the highest number wins the game. If two or more people from one of the groups of twelve have a tie for the number of wins or number of BUNKOs at the end of the three rounds, they will have a roll-off to determine the winner. All participants in the roll-off will simultaneously roll one die, and the person rolling the highest number wins. The winners from the first three sets (most wins and most BUNKOs) will advance to the semi-final round. There will be one set with 6 rounds played. The person with the most wins and the most BUNKOs from that set will advance to the final round. The same roll-off rules apply in the event of a tie. There are four spots at the final table. One for the semi-final contestant with the most wins, and one for the semi-final contestant with the most BUNKOs. One spot will be randomly drawn from the remaining semi-finalists. The last "wild card" spot will be drawn from all participants. These four players will roll a die to determine who goes first (lowest number rolls first). They will roll three dice, attempting to roll a BUNKO (three of any number). If the person does not roll a BUNKO, the dice will move clockwise to the next contestant. The person who rolls a BUNKO first is our Winner. ** Rolling for Pink has the right to modify the rules of the game if needed to complete the tournament |
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